R. M. Williams
Brief: ‘If the Boot fits’
To celebrate the opening of their new flagship store on George Street, they introduced a competition called; ‘If the boot fits'…’ Participants had the chance to select a random box, and if the shoe inside matched their size, it became theirs to keep (Concept and design by Lolita Porte & Craig Lorimer). In tandem with the print and experiential campaign, the project required a dynamic animation to be rolled out across multiple platforms, this included conceptual storyboarding.
Solution: Crafted a vibrant and succinct narrative of how the competition will work that remained cohesive with the rest of the campaign and showcased the broad range of boots they offer. The print version was finalised as a scratch card so to match the mechanics of this whilst remaining true to the brand, fade transitions were used throughout to mimic a ‘reveal’.
1920x1080 & another version for 1080x1080
Brief: ‘Image retouching’
Fix up the fine details, refine textures, stitching, shadows/highlights and harmonize colours to create a captivating image that seamlessly communicates the essence of sophistication and style.
Fixing up 3 different boot images for the Kangaroo Comfort Craftsman EDM